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最初,我以為我現在在倫敦,並將於12月初返港,因此我在幾天前給大家的最後一封信中建議,回來後我們也許可以聚在一起,就這個問題交流 。




我想 1990年代初期,當我和安妮在倫敦住了大約五年左右,我開始有這種(第二故鄉)感覺。自從我們1994年回港並定居香港,經過了這麼多年,這種感覺(我以為)已被淡化薄弱。但是這次,由於我休假,我可以在倫敦呆上六個星期,到現在為止,已經在我的倫敦小房子裡住了大約一個月。





10月下旬到達倫敦的第一天,我去了當代藝術學院,在那裡很享受那些展覽。隨後,我在書店發現歐內斯特·蓋爾納傳記(20世紀優秀思想家,所及領域包括民族主義、哲學、理性、伊斯蘭教、公民社會、人類學等),該書於2010年出版。雖然我已經答應F回來時, 把他的小皮箱和他在英國學習期間留在我家的一些大衣帶回港,我仍忍不住要買那本書(400頁,我還要加上一些其他書)。為免行李超載,幾天後我就把它讀完了。在紐卡素,我發現我的好朋友A也拿著那本書,並且非常感興趣地閱讀。我在赫爾的老師奧沙利文教授,他許多年前向我介紹蓋爾納,也有這本書。相反,在香港,我甚至不知道這本書已經出版,更不用說閱讀並與朋友和同事討論。

就在今天,我從國王十字附近的一家二手書店購買了兩本書,其中一本書的書名是《當我和貓一起玩時,我怎麼知道她不在和我一起玩?”》,這是文藝復興時期偉大的散文家米歇爾·蒙田(Michel Montaigne)的作品。(安妮會喜歡這個標題,這讓我想起了莊子關於魚之樂的故事)


我也非常喜歡在大英圖書館學習和研究。今天,當我瀏覽舊手稿時,我讀到了阿爾弗雷德·諾斯·懷特海(Alfred North Whitehead)對年輕哲學家A. J. Ayer的評論 。1930年代,艾爾(Ayer)將他與伯特蘭·羅素(Bertrand Russell)比較,當時羅素是懷特海德(Whitehead)的學生。我還碰到了經濟學家皮古(Pigou)的來信,他在信中邀請了牛津大學經濟學家羅伊·哈羅德(Roy Harrod)申請40年代劍橋大學的經濟學教授職位。當哈羅德(Harrod)在1948年休假一年去撰寫凱恩斯傳記時,他不如我幸運,因為牛津大學因休假而停止向他支付當年的演講津貼。我還發現哈羅德給哈佛大學一份文件中,就另一位著名經濟學家瓊·羅賓遜(阿瑪蒂亞·森和約瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨的老師,非常討厭哈耶克的自由市場經濟學,寫了一本書讚揚毛澤東的文化大革命)作了生動而挑釁的評論:








當然,我有很多我不喜歡香港的事情,例如煽情的媒體、貧乏和不民主的治理體系、地方政治的敵對兩極化、貧富差距、物質主義、我們的淺薄心態、我們與大陸之間日益擴大的鴻溝 。






The Two Cities That I Call Home

21 November 2013

My dear Playgroup Friends,

Many thanks for K’s messages, which have brought out a fundamental and recurrent issue for the people of Hong Kong.

Originally, I was thinking that since I am now in London and will be back to Hong Kong in early December, perhaps our group could gather together then to have an exchange on this issue, and hence the suggestion in my last message to you all a few days ago.

But on this sunny morning (21 November 2013) in London near St Pancras Station, when I was on my way to the British Library to do some archives research, I suddenly had the impulse of writing something in response to K’s messages, telling you all that in spite of the difficulties and challenges we are now facing in Hong Kong, I am prepared to stick with this amazing city, and will try to help defend/develop its liberality and civility as best as I can.

The interesting thing is that when I had this gut feeling this morning, I was looking at the elegant building of St Pancras and thinking of what an excellent institution the British Library (which is just next to the Station) is, and felt very much at home in London. Indeed, I am privileged to be able to say that London to me is my second home.

Allow me to indulge a bit in explaining why I feel London is my second home before I return to rationalize my gut feeling.

I think it was when Anne and I had lived in London for about five years or so in the early 1990s that I started to have that feeling. The feeling had been diluted to the bare minimum after so many years since we returned to and settled back in Hong Kong in 1994. This time round, however, because of my sabbatical, I can spend six weeks in London, and by now I

have stayed in my little London house for about a month.

Returning and living in my little house in the suburban of London makes me feel very much at home.

This is so not only because my son is living there at the same time, but also because apart from doing a lot of reading, I have the time to tidy up the house a bit, and seeing all those things that Anne and I had installed in the house over 25 years ago makes me feel nostalgic.

Of course, spending my daily life (such as cooking, shopping, doing household work, picking up fallen apples in my little garden, go swimming, visiting old friends, etc.) most of the time in the house and the neighbourhood also brings back a lot of good old memories (like how I taught my children to crawl down the stairs safely in the house before they could walk).

On a more macro level, London of course has a lot of things that I find agreeable.

The first day after my arrival in the second half of October, I went to the Institute of Contemporary Arts and enjoyed the exhibition there very much. I then found in its bookshop an intellectual biography of Ernest Gellner (an outstanding 20th century thinker in nationalism, philosophy, rationality, Islam, civil society, anthropology, etc.), which came out in 2010. Although I have promised F to bring back his small suitcase and some of his overcoats he left in my house during his study in England when I return, I could not resist buying that book (400 pages, together with some others I should add) at the risk of overloading my luggage, and finished reading it in a few days’ time. In Newcastle, I found my very good friend A also had that book and had read it with great interest. My teacher Professor O’Sullivan in Hull, who introduced Gellner to me many years ago also has the book as expected when I visited him the other day. In contrast, in Hong Kong, I even did not know the book had come out, not to say to read it and to discuss it with friends and colleagues.

Just now today, I bought another two books from a secondhand bookshop near King’s Cross, including one entitled “When I am playing with my cat, how do I know that she is not playing with me?” (Anne would love this title, which reminds me of Zhuangzi’s story of fish and happiness), which is on the Renaissance’s great essayist Michel Montaigne.

Montaigne has a very famous essay called “To Philosophize is to learn how to die”. I was very much moved by the last paragraph of the Preface of this book about him, which says that Montaigne’s essays (on sleep, on sadness, on smells and friendship, on children, sex and death, etc.) keep on reminding us “if you value a friend, you should meet with them; if you are fond of your children, eat with them; if there is someone you love, stand close to them, be near to them. And if you want to get back in touch with life—as Flaubert wrote to a depressed correspondent—‘read Montaigne.’” Even Nietzsche proclaims that “I could endeavor to make myself at home in the world with him.”

I also thoroughly enjoy studying and doing research in the British Library. Today, when I went through the old manuscripts, I read how Alfred North Whitehead commented on the young philosopher A. J. Ayer in the 1930s, comparing him to Bertrand Russell when Russell was a student of Whitehead. I also came across the economist Pigou’s letter inviting the Oxford economist Roy Harrod to apply for the chair in economics in Cambridge in the 40s. When Harrod took a yearlong sabbatical to write the biography of Keynes in 1948, he was less fortunate than I am since Oxford stopped paying him the stipends for his lectureship for that year because of his leave. I also found Harrod’s invited comment for Harvard on another eminent economist Mrs. Joan Robinson (teacher of Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, who very much hated Hayek’s free market economics and wrote a book in praise of Mao’s Cultural Revolution) vivid and provocative:

“when she appeared at the Nuffield Conferences…in her blue trousers and pronounced ‘bolshevik’ sentiments, I think the business men who did not know her, regarded her as a sort of hooligan. She has not many frills and graces. She likes to get down to business, is thoroughly blunt and downright, has no mercy in controversy, and does not mind being rude to all and sundry.”

Of course, there are many other things in London that I find attractive (like going to watch an international football match with my son the other day in Fulham, the BBC, the museums, the musicals, etc. etc.) So, this second home for me is both culturally rich and intellectually absorbing.

But despite all these, when I was in Islington the other day talking with Stephen (a mentor of mine in my Youth Literary Award period at HKU) and Katie (a lady from Hong Kong) who asked if I would like to retire in London since both my children are likely having their careers developed in the UK, my answer was I do not have such a plan, at least not yet.

It is true that I always think that as a city, Hong Kong in many ways is no comparison with London. But deep inside me, Hong Kong is home, not a second home, but home.

A home is where you have grown up, where both your flesh and mind dwell, a place where you can always return without feeling strange or alien in good time or bad.

Most of my individual and collective memories are with Hong Kong, not the least because I have very close friends (like many of you) who share a lot of common experiences with me through thick and thin from childhood to adulthood in this place.

Hong Kong has also given me as an individual so much: provided me with reasonably good education, good careers, an environment that I can learn from the East and the West, a community that embeds a lot of liberal and civilized values of the modern world. It is also open and tolerant enough to allow me as a son of Hong Kong to come and go without labelling one as less than loyal, etc.

Of course, there are a lot of things that I do not like Hong Kong, such as sensational media, poor and undemocratic governance system, the friend and foe polarization in local politics, the rich and the poor gap, materialism, our shallow mentality, the increasing divide between us and the mainland, and all that.

But I feel that good or bad, I am part of it, in the sense that if Hong Kong ticks, it is very often unique in this part of the world, and we should try to defend and to promote this uniqueness (such as the rule of law in a Chinese community, the ability to bridge the East with the West in a reasonably comfortable manner, treating an individual as a person with respect and dignity, undogmatic, corruption free, procedural fairness, etc.), for this is home and it is difficult to find a comparable city in China or in this part of the world that embodies so many civilized attributes of this kind.

As for the undesirable parts, many of us in our different ways and capacities are in fact in a position now to do something about it, not in the sense that we can necessarily change the situation or rectify it, but in the sense that it is only reasonable to expect that we, who have benefitted so much from this community, are obliged to try hard to make the best use of our resources and abilities to make this a better place, a place that our children and our children’s children and so on still can call home, and to which others would like to aspire.

I understand that this is a complicated matter, a matter that different persons may have different views and gut feelings. But a sunny morning in the chilly autumn of England unexpectedly stirred up a lot of my feelings about these two cities, Hong Kong and London, and I hope you do not mind if I share this rather lengthy message with you all.

Yours ever,















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